Symposium on Peace Education - Worldwide Networks of Peace Education 

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Symposium on Peace Education - Worldwide Networks of Peace Education

Global Campaign for Peace Education in Western Japan will hold its 5th meeting. The goals are: to share experience and practices in peace education to learn its tasks, and to create networks for cooperation. JOIN US!


Date&Time: 6 August Tuesday 2:30 p.m -7:10 p.m. (The room opens at 2 pm)

Venue: Main Conference Room A, International Youth House, Aster Plaza Hiroshima, 4-17 Kako-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City, HIROSHIMA Japan

Schedule:  (All the lectures and the discussion will be held in English and Japanese.)

14:30 - 14:40 Opening

14:40 - 15:40 Ms. Takagi Yoko

 “Online collaborative learning - voices from students wish for peace around the world”

15:50 - 16:50 Ms. Satoko Oka Norimatsu 

 “Peace Philosophy Centre from a peace education perspective - Article 9, nuclear disarmament and Okinawa”

17:00 - 18:00 Ms. Nakaya Ayami 

 “International students’ perspective on peace and peace education in Japan”

[CANCELED]18:00 - 18:30 Mr. Rana Ehtisham Rabbani

 “Humanity and peace”

18:00 - 19:00 Discussion:

 “What can we do to enhance cooperation for peace education?”

19:00 - 19:10 Closing

The organizer of this event: Global Campaign for Peace Education in Chugoku Shikoku Section

Fee : 1,000 yen, Students: free

Registration form:

Contact email address

Ms. Akamatsu Atsuko   email: peacemessagestakamori[at]



Ms. Takagi Yoko was born in Fushun, Republic of China in 1940. Started her career as a coordinator of a global education project with Luma phone, a still image video phone, under Hawaii Department of Education in 1985. She has arranged video conferences through ISDN and satellites between schools in Japan and the ones in other countries more than 600 times. Yoko met a global education network called iEARN in Budapest 1996. Since then, she got interested in promoting collaborative learning with children around the world through this network and invited many Japanese children and teachers to iEARN. iEarn  JEARN


Ms. Satoko Oka Norimatsu originally from Tokyo, and has lived in Canada for a total of 18 years. BA in Literature from Keio University, and MBA from the University of British Columbia. Satoko leads a tour to Hiroshima and Nagasaki every year, for students from US, Japan ,China, and Korea. She is Director of Vancouver Save Article 9, Founding Director of Peace Philosophy Centre:, a Coordinator of the Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus  She is coauthor of Resistant Islands: Okinawa Confronts Japan and the United States .(Rowman and Littlefield, 2012) 


Ms. Nakaya Ayami, Associate professor at Hiroshima University, specializing in comparative and international education and her research field is Indonesia. Her research topics are peace education in Indonesia and comparative analysis on peace education curriculum in several countries. At Hiroshima University, she teaches peace education, comparative and international education, cross cultural understanding, Japanese education, culture and society to international students. In those classes, she often discusses peace and peace education in Japan. She will introduce us their impression and discuss about both the difficulties and happiness in mutual understanding toward peaceful future with participants. 


Mr. Rana Ehtisham Rabbani was born in Pakistan in 1950. Masters in Political Science. Lawyer, Former President of District Bar Association, Okara. author of three books.  Governor member of Global Alliance for Ministries & Infra Structure of Peace, Switzerland.  He has attended South Asian International Harmony Summit 2007,Delhi India. GAMIP Summit 2011 Cape Town, South Africa, South Asian Social Forum 2011-Dhaka- Bangladesh, and International Institute for Peace Education Summit-2013, Saitama Japan.  He’ll be holding an A-bomb poster exhibition with collaboration of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum in Lahore from 19 to 21 August, 2013. It will be extended to other two cities - Karachi and Islamabad, Pakistan.