大学英語教育学会(JACET)国際大会での Kip Cates さんによる基調講演で用いられたものをムービーとスライド型式で掲載しました。(1) Flash形式の動画は▶で再生されます。(2)は画像(スライド)です。


Building Bridges of Peace and Friendship

The Role of College English Teachers

Kip CATES (Tottori University, Japan





Peace Begins from the Classroom

Let’s learn tasks and practical ideas for peace education and create a network to exchange information


Date: 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. August 28th

Venue: Hiroshima City Machizukuri Shimin Kouryu Plaza Seminar Room A


            6-36 Fukuro-machi, Naka-ku,, Hiroshima City

The Facilitator: Prof. Kip Cates*


One important issue that young people should address during their education is why wars happen and what we can do for peace. Surprisingly, these topics rarely appear in the school curriculum. This workshop will demonstrate a variety of English lessons designed for a university Peace Studies course that engage students in thinking about violence, analyzing the causes of war and discussing ways to peace. Come along to experience innovative peace education activities and share your ideas about how classroom teachers can inspire students to work for peace. 


*Kip A. Cates has a B.A. in Modern Languages (French, German, Japanese) from the University of British Columbia, Canada, and an M.A. in Applied Linguistics from the University of Reading, England. He is the coordinator of the "Global Issues" Special Interest Group of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) and publishes a quarterly "Global Issues in Language Education Newsletter”. He teaches courses in culture, globalization and international exchange at Tottori University. He is the vice-president of the Tottori international group “TIME,” a founder of the annual Asian Youth Forum (AYF) and writes a monthly Shukan ST essay series for the Japan Times. He has worked, lived or traveled in 50 countries and speaks 9 languages. 


Fee:Free of charge

Application form: https://ssl.form-mailer.jp/fms/6e79e445210113                       

Organized by the Chushioku Branch of the Global Campaign for Peace Education


Supported by JACET Global Education SIG

Further info:

Emails: Kakuzaki Hiromi: salud.paz19(at)me.com 

           Akamatsu Atsuko: peacemessagestakamori(at)yahoo.co.jp


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