日 時:7月26日(土) 午前11時集合(JR京浜東北線 浦和駅西口改札)
場 所:浦和駅西口前コルソ7階ホール・埼玉会館
Part I:平和のための埼玉の戦争展見学
Part II:午後1時より,埼玉会館3A会議室にてワークショップ
主 催:平和教育地球キャンペーン(GCPEJ)
問合せ:淺川(Tel/fax: 048-825-1006),
小島健太郎(e-mail: peacestudywalk@yahoo.co.jp)
Peace Study Walking to Saitama Peace Exhibition
Please join our walking tour/ visiting Peace Exhibition in Urawa
and share learning experience at workshop
Date: July, 26th Saturday, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00p.m.
Meet: JR Urawa station, West exit
Fee: 500 yen will be collected,
A volunteer from organizing committee explains about the exhibition.
After guided tour at exhibition sharing and discussion meet will be held at
Saitamakaikan, Room 3A. English interpretation will be provided.
Further info: Mr. Kentro Kojima(e-mail: peacestudywalk@yahoo.co.jp)