Past events


Symposium on Peace Education - Worldwide Networks of Peace Education

in Hiroshima

Date&Time: 6 August Tuesday 2:30 p.m -7:10 p.m.


Peace Eduation Kansai, West Japan Forum  

Date: Dec 1st, Satureday 2012, 13:30 - 

Venue: Kyoto University of Education, (Building F, Room 11) 

           Kyoto City, Fushimi-ku, Fukakusa,. Fujinomori-cho 1


Sharing and discussion with: 

  Toshifumi Murakami, Daisuke Nojima, Kazuya Asakawa,

Fee: Free 


Language: The event will be held in Japanese, with English support available. 

Organized by: 

  Kansai Peace Education Association

  Peace Education Studies Association in Japan

In cooperation with

  GCPEJ, Global Campaing for Peace Educaiton Japan



Learning Together for Peace - Envisioning a Collaborative Future 

 Date: Oct 29th, Monday, 18:20 

Venue: Seisen University 021 (Main building 2F)  

Sharing and discussion on: 

- NARPI (Northeast Asia Regional Peacebuilding Institute): Kathy Matsui 

- IIPE (International Institute on Peace Education): Chieko Baba, Kazuya Asakawa 

Fee: Free 


Language: The event will be held in Japanese, with English support available if requested in advance.

Organized by: Global Campaign for Peace Education Japan (GCPEJ) 


  * community peace education 

In cooperation with: Peace Boat (Meri Joyce,


We will share experiences of two major events held this summer on peace education; NARPI and IIPE. Following that, we hope to envision future steps of these two events and activities for peace education in Japan. The Northeast Asia Peacebuilding Institute (NARPI) was held for the second time in August this year in Hiroshima, following its launch in Korea in 2011. An intensive training for peacebuilders, around 40 participants mainly from East Asian countries including China, Korea and Mongolia, joined the programme of two weeks of intensive courses and field work.

More information:

The International Institute on Peace Education (IIPE) was also held in August, with 30 participants from 11 countries gathering in Saitama on the theme of "Educating for Human Security & Survival: Emergencies in Ecology, Energy, Economy."

More information:


"Peace building, conflict transformation and reconciliation:

 Indonesia experience" 

Speaker: Miryam Saravasti Nainggolan

            (Pulih Foundation; Center for Trauma.

             Recovery and Psychosocial Empowerment) 

Date  :2011. Oct. 1st. 18:30 – 20:30 

Venue:JICA Global Plaza (Hiroo) Seminar room 303 



Fee    :Free 

*In cooperate with The Asia Leadership Fellow Program (ALFP) by International House of Japan and Japan Foundation


Anna Baltzer* Lecture Tour
Title "Life in Occupied Palestine: Eyewitness Stories&Photos" 
Daito Bunka Kaikan (Tobu Nerima st. Tobu Tojo LIne)
Time and Date  
November. 13th, 1:30 p.m. -





Michele Steele(Gunma University)  



     JALT Global Issues in Language Education SIG  <>   

     JALT Gunma Chapter   <>


From EFL Teacher to Peace Activist
Speaker Anna Baltzer
Time and Date   Sunday, 14 November 2010 - 2:00pm - 4:30pm
Place Maebashi Kyoai Gakuen College

Michele Steele(Gunma University)  


For global language teachers, “thinking outside the box” means addressing world issues and considering our social responsibility as educators. In this workshop, US-based educator and organizer Anna Baltzer will describe her background as a Fulbright scholar in the Middle East, her transformation from EFL teacher to peace activist, and her thoughts on how teachers can promote peace with justice and empower students to become active agents of the change they seek.

Baltzer is the author of the bestseller A Witness in Palestine and has appeared on television more than 100 times (including The Daily Show with Jon Stewart) and lectured at more than 500 universities, schools, churches, mosques, synagogues, and policy institutes around the world.  More information can be found at her webpage